
Verisk Canada's Enviroscan products help organizations make informed decisions about a site prior to financing, developing, insuring, or purchasing.

Environmental reports provide historical information about commercial and residential properties, allowing organizations to uncover environmental liability pro-actively.

Collage of three images consisting of pipes at an upgrader, two land surveyors, hands holding soil

What is the condition of the land you are purchasing?

Before purchasing, developing, financing, or insuring land, responsible parties review historical environmental reports to perform due diligence and minimize financial exposures. Information contained in these reports may alert owners and prospective purchasers to potential sources of contamination or other concerns, thereby providing an opportunity to mitigate any risks related to environmental liability. Often, these reports are included as a pre-condition for financing.

Where can you get Historical Environmental Reports?

When environmental engineers, consultants, lawyers and insurers are performing their environmental due diligence, they request reports from Verisk Canada. With the largest amount of historical land data in Canada, Enviroscan provides exclusive information on industrial, commercial and residential properties across Canada.

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