Fire Underwriters Survey


Used by over 90% of property and casualty insurers in Canada.

Three image collage consisting of fire hoses, fire fighters talking to an adjuster and firefighters fighting a fire at a property

FUS helps the insurance industry establish appropriate fire insurance rates for residential and commercial properties by providing Fire Insurance Grades. These grades—the only of their kind in Canada—are specifically developed for the Canadian insurance community, and provide it with a standardized measure of the adequacy of fire protection in every community in the country.

Using detailed field surveys of the fire risks and fire defenses maintained in communities across Canada, FUS provides a standardized measure of the ability of the protective facilities of a community to prevent and control the major fires that may be expected to occur. It does so by evaluating in detail the adequacy, reliability, strength, and efficiency of the protective facilities and comparing the level of protection against the level of fire risk in the built environment. Specifically, Fire Insurance Grades measure:

  1. Risk levels (with respect to fire loading and geographic distribution of risk)
  2. Fire suppression
  3. Water supplies for public fire protection
  4. Emergency communication
  5. Fire prevention—safety control

Fire Underwriters Survey uses its proprietary Geographic Information System (GIS) to present all this information visually through layered, digitized maps, thereby providing underwriters with graphical representations of the information in order to better see and understand risk. Unique to Verisk Canada, GIS technology digitizes information and ensures pinpoint accuracy when locating risk.

Learn more about Canada’s Fire Insurance Grading Index used by brokers and insurance companies across Canada

Visit the FUS website to access Canada’s Fire Insurance Grading Index or to learn more.

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