Canadian Wildfire Grading Index

Top 3 costliest wildfires
Fire Underwriters Survey

The Wildfire Grading Index looks at fire risks external to the buildings

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With wildfire losses reaching a whopping $5.6 billion in the past 10 years, there is an urgent need for a solution that can help insurers price the risk accurately, as well as to help municipal and provincial governments know their vulnerabilities so they can take targeted preventative action to protect communities.

“Climate change is having a profound impact and making everything hotter and drier, so we know wildfires are only going to become more common and more devastating,” says Opta President Greg McCutcheon. “After events like Slave Lake and Fort McMurray, we knew we had to add a wildfire index to our suite of products.”

Enter the Wildfire Grading Index, newly unveiled by Opta Information Intelligence’s Fire Underwriters Survey (FUS) division. The product combines reams of data with analytics capability to score a community’s risk level, while at the same time providing residents with specific recommendations for how to lower the risk and improve their insurance score.

The Wildfire Grading Index is now available all across the country. For more information, please contact us at

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